Wellness Scalar Group Project

Charlie's Introduction into Wellness

Both of the works I have decided to use for the book focus mainly on mental health but more specifically focus on stress, and the feeling of being overwhelmed. The first work I am showcasing on my pages is called Mental Health Day. This is a work found on itch and created by a user called myleshouse. In order to win this game you have to play through multiple levels of avoiding all of the schoolwork and only collecting the "self care" items. If you touch one schoolwork item you lose the game. This work follows our groups theme of wellness because it focuses on a characters mental wellbeing by making sure you're not overwhelming the character with too much schoolwork. A player who is also going through a mental illness can relate to this and feel less alone about their own struggles because they can realize that other people are going through the same things they are. There can be some comfort provided by that feeling of not being alone in your struggle.
         The next work I am focusing on is called Mental Health. This work is also found on itch and is created by an author named Omael. In order to survive long in this game you have to literally avoid stress, deadlines, doubt, etc... if you don't avoid these emotions falling on you then you lose the game. This work follows our groups theme of wellness because you have to avoid feelings like stress and sadness in order to stay mentally well in this game. Playing this game can also help the players realize that almost everyone gets waves of these emotions, and this realization can help the player feel empathy for the character going through this because they can relate to times when they've had feelings like doubt, stress or sadness. Feeling empathy for someone else also helps increase your own feeling of happiness and self worth.

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