Wellness Scalar Group Project

Works Cited

Baines, Kristina “‘it’s Normal to Admit You’re Not Okay’: New York City College Students Shaping Mental Health through Journaling.” SSM - Mental Health, Elsevier, 28 May 2022, \

Bowden, Sara. “Not Suitable for the Easily Disturbed: Sonic Nonlinearity and Disruptive Horror in Doki Doki Literature Club!” Soundtrack, vol. 11, no. 1/2, Jan. 2020, pp. 7–22. EBSCOhost, https://doi.org/10.1386/ts_00002_1.

Ruberg, Bonnie, Empathy and its Alternatives,  Accessed 8 Dec. 2023. 

Nair, Ensslin, Rice, Wilks, Bailey, Fowlie, Munro, Perram, Riley, Can Digital Fiction be Therapy? Accessed 8 Dec. 2023.

Murray, Janet. “‘Immersion’ from Hamlet on the Holodeck.” 1997, 2017.

Bautista, Kyra. “But You Seem Fine by KJAM.” Itch.Io, 2019, kjam.itch.io/but-you-seem-fine.

H., Murray Janet. Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. The MIT Press, 2017.

Broxon, Danielle. “OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations.” OhioLINK, 8 June 2016, www.ohiolink.edu/content/ohiolink_electronic_theses_and_dissertations.

Hand, Daniel. Role-Playing Games in Psychotherapy: A Practitioner’s Guide. Springer International Publishing AG, 2023.

“Writing New Bodies - Digital-Born Therapy.” Google Sites: Sign-In, sites.google.com/ualberta.ca/writingnewbodies/about/digital-born-therapy. Accessed 8 Dec. 2023.









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