Wellness Scalar Group Project

Justin Intro Page

The games I chose were found on Itch.io. The thing that brought me to clck on the game and sit through an hour of gameplay was the art style. Both games, while extremely different, have an amazing artistic style that was similar to the art pieces I see on my Instagram and Twitter. 

KIDDO by Grasita Games:
released in September 2021
run by Unity

This game falls under the dark humor category and focuses on mental health. The game begins with a man living in a dirty home with only his dog. The player is tasked to find the dog after the man neglects his dog. You must solve puzzles and interact with the point-and-click adventure in order to learn more about the man's life. Through this process, we expereince Kiddo's personal journey: The challenges he faces and the quest for fixing something important to him represent aspects of personal growth and well-being. 

Soft Underbelly by rosa✦dev :
released in 2020
run by HTML5

"Soft Underbelly" is a short narative game that functions as a break for the player. The cozy atmospheric music and cute art style makes it a therapeutic experience. The game follows a cat and its owner. Although there aren't many dialogue options, nor does it change the direction of the story, but the dialgoue progresses jsut as it as it would for a scrolling text. Besides its therapeutic aspects, the owner talks about his issues to his cat. He addresses his issues with trust, relatinships, and care. In a way, the cat acts as his source of wellness, an outlet to express his emotions, and a trusty companion. 

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