Seal of Case Western Reserve University
1 2020-09-03T19:32:08+00:00 Julia Teran 9aca9c408841ff28b321d7128a1e5c918a151e1d 9 4 Seal of Case Western Reserve University, 1967-2023 plain 2025-03-11T13:46:36+00:00 1967-2023 CWRU Archives public domain Case Western Reserve University ; F73000 Symbols 00855 1967-2023 Case Western Reserve University Things Helen Conger 9053f99d4e4d5a851764c8d94d34f8d9e9ad73b5This page is referenced by:
Presidents, 1830-2021
A chronology of presidents for WRU, CIT, and CWRU.
Western Reserve University Case Institute of Technology
Charles B. Storrs (1830-1833)
George E. Pierce (1834-1855)
Henry L. Hitchcock (1855-1871)
Carroll Cutler (1871-1886)
Hiram C. Haydn (1887-1890) Cady Staley (1886-1902)
Charles F. Thwing (1890-1921)
Charles S. Howe (1902-1929)
James D. Williamson (1921-1923)
Robert E. Vinson (1923-1933) William E. Wickenden (1929-1947)
Winfred G. Leutner (1933-1949)
John S. Millis (1949-1967) T. Keith Glennan (1947-1966)
Robert W. Morse (1966-1967)Case Western Reserve University
Robert W. Morse (1967-1970)
Louis A. Toepfer (1970-1980)
David V. Ragone (1980-1987)
Agnar Pytte (1987-1999)
David H. Auston (1999-2001)
James W. Wagner (2001-2002)
Edward M. Hundert (2002-2006)
Gregory L. Eastwood (2006-2007)
Barbara R. Snyder (2007-2020)
Scott S. Cowen (2020-2021)
Eric W. Kaler (2021- )
People who served as acting president within a president's term are not included. For instance, Kent H. Smith was acting president of Case when T. Keith Glennan was on leave at NASA.
Information was compiled by staff of the Case Western Reserve University Archives, March 2007 and October 2022. -
This section contains images of the seals for Western Reserve University, Case Institute of Technology, and Case Western Reserve University, as well as information about the dates they were used, and other details of design and usage.
Definition of "seal": an emblem, symbol, or word used to certify a signature or authenticate a document from an institution.
Western Reserve College/Western Reserve University
Seal of Western Reserve College 4Development
On March 2, 1826, the Western Reserve College trustees approved the design of a seal for the new school. Until that seal could be manufactured and delivered, the trustees, on March 3, 1826, adopted the crown and pillar side of a Spanish dollar as a temporary seal. This temporary seal was needed to approve the first official document of WRC, a contract between the new college and Colonel Lemuel Porter to construct the first campus building, Middle College, in Hudson.
Seal of Western Reserve College 3Symbolism
This seal features a heart with an open book on it, with the Hebrew character "aleph," and the Greek character "omega," representing the Hebrew and Greek origins of Western thought. The date "A. D. 1826" refers to the year that WRC was established. The motto "Christo et Ecclesiae" is Latin for "For Christ and the Church."Development
On March 2, 1826, the WRC trustees approved the design of the new seal. It was reported at the WRC trustee meeting on August 27, 1827 that the new seal had arrived and was then to be the seal of the school.
Seal of Adelbert College of Western Reserve University 2Symbolism
This seal was adapted from the WRC seal, 1827-1882. In the band, the text "Adelbert College of Western Reserve University" replaces "Western Reserve College."Development
In fall 1882, WRC moved to Cleveland from Hudson and was renamed "Adelbert College of Western Reserve University." The seal was modified to reflect the change in the name of the institution.
Seal of Western Reserve University 5Symbolism
This two inch seal resembles the seal of the State of Ohio in its use of the rising sun. "Lux" is Latin for "light."Development
The Medical Department, which had been part of WRC, refused to adopt the new name "Adelbert College of Western Reserve University." In response, Western Reserve University was incorporated in April 1884, and the Medical Department became part of it. Because Adelbert College of Western Reserve University and WRU were not part of the same corporation until 1941, a new seal had to be designed for WRU. At the January 7, 1885 Medical Department faculty meeting, a committee was appointed "to confer with the president and secretary of the [WRU] Board of Trustees as to the proper design of a seal and wording of the diploma and also to arranged to procure them." One month later, diplomas awarded by the Medical Department to the class of 1885 bore the new seal.
Seal of Western Reserve University 4Symbolism
This seal is similar to the WRU seal, 1885-1932, except for some minor changes. The word "Cleveland" is added to the text in the outside band. Also, an inner band now surrounds the rays of the rising sun. The date "1826," which refers to the date of establishment of WRC, replaces the star.Development
At their meeting on April 27, 1932, the WRU trustees' Executive Committee approved the changes to the seal.
Case School of Applied Science / Case Institute of Technology
Seal of Case School of Applied Science 5Symbolism
Like the WRU seal created in the same decade, this seal features a rising sun similar to the one found on the seal of the State of Ohio. "1880" is the year that the Case School of Applied Science was established, and "Cleveland, O." was the school’s location.Development
The Case trustees approved the seal at their November 7, 1882 meeting.
Seal of Case School of Applied Science 4
Similar to the previous seal, the word "The" appears before "Case School of Applied Science."Development
The Case corporation approved the changes at its October 22, 1925 meeting, and formally set the size of the seal at 2 1/4 inches. On October 19, 1932, the Case corporation approved the seal size to be reduced to 1 3/4 inches.
Seal of Case Institute of Technology 2Symbolism
In the band, "Case Institute of Technology" replaces "The Case School of Applied Science."Development
Due to the change of the school’s name, the Case corporation approved the modified seal on July 25, 1947.Usage
The seal was to be embossed on all diplomas, honorary degrees, identification cards, and official publications.
Case Western Reserve University
Seal of Case Western Reserve University 2Symbolism
This seal combines elements of the Case and WRU seals, in particular the rising sun.Development
Case Western Reserve University was established on July 1, 1967, through the federation of WRU and Case. WRU president John S. Millis formed an advisory ad hoc committee to design a seal for the new University. Members included trustees, faculty, staff, and William Ward from the Cleveland Museum of Art. Millis presented the seal to the trustees of CWRU, who approved it at their first meeting on July 5, 1967.Usage
In 1991, it was decided that use of the seal should be limited to formal and ceremonial functions. Because it was difficult to read, it would no longer appear on university stationery, publications, or advertisements.2023-2025+
The new seal incorporates the university’s new font for greater legibility, and a border that refers back to previous Western Reserve University and Case Institute of Technology seals.Usage
The university seal is reserved for limited use as designated by the president and the Board of Trustees. It typically appears in official university documents of great importance, including commencement and convocation.