Robert E. Vinson
Robert E. Vinson
President, Western Reserve University, 6/13/1923-12/4/1933
A.B., Austin College, 1896
B.D., Union Theological Seminary, 1899
Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Charleston, West Virginia, 1899-1902
Professor of Old Testament Languages and Exegesis, Austin Theological Seminary, Austin, Texas, 1902-1906
Professor of English Bible and Practical Theology, Austin Theological Seminary, 1906-1916
President, Austin Theological Seminary, 1908-1916
President, University of Texas, 1916-1923
University Numbers
1923/24 1933/34
Enrollment 3,648 8,715
Faculty salary expenses $605,744.37 $1,018,889.30
Tuition $200 $300
Milestones (non-university-related events are in italics)
1923 School of Nursing was established.
1925 With Case School of Applied Science, WRU established Cleveland College, a pioneering effort
in adult education.
1927 Charles Lindbergh made the first solo flight across the Atlantic.
1928 School of Education was established.
1929 The Cleveland School of Architecture affiliated with WRU.
The Great Depression, triggered by the October 29 stock market crash, began a decade of
worldwide economic hardship.
1931 The College for Women was renamed Flora Stone Mather College.
Severe drought ushered in the Dust Bowl, which left 500,000 Americans homeless.
Regional Population
1920 1930
Cleveland 796,841 900,429
Cuyahoga County 943,495 1,201,455
Caution should be taken when comparing financial data across long periods of time. Accounting practices have changed substantially during CWRU's nearly 200-year history. In compiling these numbers, we have relied on the most authoritative contemporaneous sources available.
Information was compiled by staff of the Case Western Reserve University Archives, March 2007.