Wellness Scalar Group Project

Tanishq's Page 1

Celeste, a game that has been idolized for its expression of the trans experience and the difficulties that come with accepting oneself, has not been victim to the ruthless criticism that other games face as a result of being a way to represent the experience of someone part of the LGBTQ+ community. As Reed et al mentions in their book when citing Bonnie Ruberg, renowned games scholar, "'permanent living represents a particularly potent trope for expressing both hopes and concerns about contemporary queer life in the face of an uncertain future.'” Celeste highlights this narrative perfectly, as the first six chapters of the game are all about Madeline's struggle to climb the mountain, and how the adversities she is facing is a result of her lack of self-acceptance. However, it also works to resolve that, using Madeline's reconciliation with Badeline and actually working together with her in the last chapter by working together to climb up Celeste Mountain, accepting that her self-doubt will always be part of her and that she actually needs to harbor it in order to truly feel proud of herself. The game's significance is second to none when it comes to the importance of the queer experience, and it deserves a try from everyone. 

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