Wellness Scalar Group Project

Christian's Intro to Works

Both of my works were created on itch and deal with our group's overarching theme of wellness, or more specifically how digital games can spread awareness of the importance of mental health, positive wellbeing, and seeking help.

But You Seem Fine by KJAM:
released in 2019 & run by HTML5
But You Seem Fine is an interactive choice-based game that utilizes on-screen text and visuals to simulate the struggles of a person living with an "invisible illness," a.k.a. depression. You play as a 14-year old girl, making choices about everyday life, responding during conversations, and taking certain actions, attempting to figure out exactly what's wrong with you, as all the doctors and professionals attempt to diagnose you, telling you different things, and dismissing your thoughts. In order to complete the game, the player reaches one of five alternate endings, of which the character is either slowly consumed by depression, or finally gets proper treatment, with the ending being dependent upon the player's choices throughout the game. Players struggling with depression can relate to this game as it simulates the environment of feeling alone, despite having caring loved ones around you, which is often something those struggling with depression have to deal with.

Get Help by William Akins:
released in 2018 & run on Windows, HTML5
Get Help is an interactive game that follows a teenager struggling with positive mental health as a result of an overload of stress from daily activities. You play as the teenager themself, struggling with normal adolescent daily activities such as struggling to complete homework, interacting with a friend from school, and even deciding whether or not to wake up in the morning! In order to complete the game, you must repeat your daily activities a total of ten times, upon which a resolution will be reached. This game is representative of how difficult it can be for teenagers with depression to balance daily responsibilities and how challenging it can be to ask for help, and raises awareness for those who might otherwise not be exposed.

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