Dismantling Stigma in Interactive Digital Literature


This interactive twine text-based game addresses the issue of decontextualisation, which is something imposed onto Muslims. It describes the representations of the Islam religion that we are exposed to in media is taken out of historical, political, social, economic and cultural context to paint Muslims in a certain undesirable light. Many recognise in the digital age, "cyberspace became a double-edged sword for the dilemma of Islamophobia." (Khamis 25). It is an avid perpetuator of sterotypes and fear mongering. Yet, as this game strives to exist as, many digital tools are being used to combat these stigmatised narratives. 

This game offers no easy-way-out which bystanders tend to take. If you are to progress in the narrative, you must first put in the effort to click each small piece of text, modelled after a social media and/or headline, and examine some of the many contexts it is steeped in. It implores you to fact check what you are exposed to instead of mindlesslessly consuming hate against a group of peoples. The insight being communicated here is that such a deep-rooted systemic issue takes effort to consciously overcome. It is now the responsibility of the player to choose to take that step and be part of the change in destigmatising religious identities.


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