Dismantling Stigma in Interactive Digital Literature

I'm better

I'm better by Ludonaut (Jeremy Lonien) 
Made in Twine in 2015
Platform: itch.io
Genre: Mental health; trauma; narrative

**Trigger Warning: This piece contains graphic depictions of mental health struggles including hospitalization and suicide. Please proceed at your own discretion**

I'm better is a narrative game that presents a character's struggle with mental health and trying to act "normal" despite being deeply depressed. At one point in the fame, the player clicks the phrase "I'm better" over and over again and each time it reveals a different part of the character's inner monologue showing the reader just how much the character is struggling. This is a powerful way that the author has decided to convey this idea because it physically shows just how hidden the character feels behind the phrase and the facade that comes with it. This piece of digital literature presents a deeply personal and raw perspective of the stigma that surrounds mental health, especially when interacting with close family and friends. 

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