Dismantling Stigma in Interactive Digital Literature


- Each work’s title, creator, genre, the platform, date of creation,
- summary and a hyperlink to the work
- Explanation of how one interacts with, plays, or reads the work
- Precise and detailed explanation of how the work follows on the group’s
theme in specific ways. (your thesis will come from this explanation).
- Any navigational information needed for your section

(con)TEXT by Javeria Kausar
Chris Meade Memorial Prize (Main Prize) 2022, available on itch.io, serious game

(con)TEXT is a text-based Twine game that uses a point-and-click mechanism to progress through the narrative. (con)TEXT looks at a small piece of text, modelled after a headline, and examines some of the many contexts it is steeped in. This implores the reader to fact-check what we are exposed to instead of mindlesslessly consuming hate against a group of peoples. Underpinned by the theme of the stigmatisation of Islam, this game explores decontextualisation, and the resultant demonisation of this religion, especially through social media. It describes how what we are exposed to is taken out of historical, political, social, economic and cultural context to paint Muslims in a certain undesirable light. In this sense, it is a game which explores possessing a stigmatised identity.

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