Home, Sweet Home
Pierce Hall Exterior South and West Sides
Adelbert College of Western Reserve University...will be opened for the reception of students in Cleveland, on September 7th, 1882...The Institution occupies ample ground on Euclid Avenue...opposite Wade Park. This is the most beautiful and healthy part of the city, and is entirely free from all the ordinary vices and temptations which are usually found in a city...There will be two large buildings...one large stone structure containing chapel, library, laboratories and lecture-rooms, and a large dormitory with a refectory attached.
-Adelbert College Catalogue, 1882
Guilford House Exterior East Side
The College for Women of the Western Reserve University was opened in the year 1888-89, but at the beginning of the year now closing, the College occupied for the first time its own buildings. Clark Hall and Guilford Cottage are proving themselves admirably adapted to the purposes for which they were built. They also are regarded as representing a large value for their cost.
-Western Reserve University Annual Report, 1893
Haydn Hall Exterior North and East Sides
Haydn Hall...is proving itself of the greatest usefulness. About half of the space of the building is used as a dormitory...The remaining part is used as a room for study for the benefit of students living in town and also as a dining room for the residents, and a parlor for the four undergraduate classes.
-Western Reserve University Annual Report, 1903
Mather House Exterior East and North Sides
The halls of residence are Guilford House and Flora Mather House...Both houses are well warmed, lighted, and ventilated...The table of each hall is excellent and well served. The aim of the housekeeping is to make the surroundings as home-like as possible...The price of board and rooms is $300.00 for the year.
-Western Reserve University Catalogue, 1914
Barracks 1 Exterior North and East Sides
...the Selective Service Act...authorized the raising and maintaining by voluntary induction and draft, a Students Army Training Corps...All students who entered the American colleges in the autumn of 1918...being 18 years of age and of physical fitness, became by their entrance, soldiers of the United States...All of these soldier students...were required to live in barracks provided by the college and to have their meals at a common mess hall.
-Western Reserve University Annual Report, 1919
Harvey House Exterior South Side
Nurses are our workers in the most important field of human endeavor -- the restoration of health, the saving of life...To give them decent and comfortable living quarters is something more than humanitarian. It is necessary if they are to have the rest required to enable them always to give their best efforts.
-The Medical Center, ca.1928
Davis Building Exterior South and East Sides
The Karl Davis Memorial Field house...is a model in every respect. Built to house the varsity teams primarily, it was enlarged during the planning stage to include a boys' dormitory accommodating seventy-two students.
-Voice of Reserve, 1948
Children Play Outside at the Blackacre Trailer Park
Western Reserve, as many other leading universities, will have a trailer camp within its domain...as long as emergency housing measures are necessary. The University will provide the land, rent free...Each trailer will be provided with a sewer, water, and electricity. Two semi-trailers have been procured. One will serve as a sanitary disposal unit, the other as a laundry.
-Reserve Tribune, 1947
T. Keith Glennan on a Bulldozer at Yost Hall Ground-Breaking
"This morning we mark the beginning of the end of the streetcar era at Case," T. Keith Glennan said today as ground was broken for the first dormitory in the history of Case Institute of Technology.
-Cleveland Press, 1950
Claud Foster Hall Exterior South Side
Claud Foster Dormitory...has been occupied throughout the entire college year. The students who reside there have found the building most convenient and comfortable, and the demand for these housing facilities substantially exceeds the capacity of the building. I am confident that having a substantial part of the freshman class of Adelbert College living together in this handsome building has had a very beneficial result on student spirit.
-Western Reserve University Annual Report, 1954
Pardee Hall Exterior North and West Sides
Case Institute of Technology's new 300-man dormitory, Pardee Hall, was dedicated in May 1957. The new dorm is visible from Euclid Avenue as the first building along the Case-Western Reserve University boundary line.
-Case Alumnus, 1957
Clarke Tower Exterior
With Western Reserve University rapidly emerging from a street car college to, as TIME magazine recently described it, a 'take-off' university, or a university standing on the threshold of becoming one of the nation's great centers of learning, adequate housing becomes increasingly vital.
-Housing Worthy of a Great College, 1963
Staley House and Tippit House Exterior North and West Sides
The goal is to provide a place where each student can live and work under conditions of reasonable comfort and privacy, while enjoying a rich association with other students who, like himself, are learning to be not only outstanding scientists and engineers, but also mature men and good citizens.
-The Murray Hill Residence Quadrangle, 1965
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This page references:
- Guilford House, exterior, east side
- Haydn Hall, exterior, north and east sides
- Harvey House, exterior, south side
- Barracks #1, exterior, north and east sides
- Children play outside at the Blackacre Trailer Park
- Davis Building, exterior, south and east sides
- Claud Foster Hall, exterior, south side
- Clarke Tower, exterior
- Pierce Hall, exterior, south and west sides
- Staley House and Tippit House, exterior, north and west sides
- Pardee Hall, exterior, north and west sides
- T. Keith Glennan on a bulldozer at Yost Hall ground-breaking
- Mather House, exterior, east and north sides