Case Dorms
Each room provides approximately 165 square feet of floor area for two students. Optimum utilization of space is provided by the arrangement of built-in furnishings. The two beds, double wardrobe, double desk, bookcase and night stand, are all of special design and made to Case specifications...Recesses in the corridor walls are provided to house telephone booths, drinking fountains, and coin-operated candy and beverage machines.
-Dormitory is Named Pardee Hall, 1957
Pardee Hall Exterior North and West Sides
T. Keith Glennan on a Bulldozer at Yost Hall Ground-breaking
Dear Professor and Mrs. Austin: I want to take this opportunity to thank you very much for your assistance in housing some of our students while the new dormitory was being completed. Without the assistance of the faculty, we would have been unable to provide housing for some thirty students.
-R.W. Waite to Professor and Mrs. John B. Austin, Jr., 1956
Kent Smith Quad Exterior Overhead View
Students Stand in a Hallway in Yost Hall
Case's Laboratory-Tested Dormitory. Virtually every feature of the new Case dormitory has been planned and laboratory pre-tested to give residents the living and study conditions they want and need...A model room with movable walls was built in Tomlinson Hall...and students picked to live in it. These student "guinea pigs" found some amazing things. The room was too long by six inches. Desks were too small: new ones were designed to hold drawing boards...A wardrobe with drawers the right size to hold laundered shirts, big storage drawers under the beds, extra electrical outlets, a spot for keeping hand luggage, painted brick and concrete block instead of easily chipped plaster walls, and hanging book shelves, all resulted from the tests.
-A Modern Campus Living Center, 1951
Students Relax in Yost Hall Lounge