Student Unpacks his Belongings After Move In
Student Moves Into His Dormitory Room
Student's Family Helps Move into a Dormitory Room
Traditions are not just old customs covered with moss and cobwebs and made to be broken. They are to be honored, revered, and cherished. They are the mark of age and an honorable past. They are the net impressions on undergraduate life left by the hundred classes which have passed through old Reserve's halls since 1826.
-Official Handbook of Western Reserve University, 1926
Men Serenade Guilford House
Students Participate in the Southside Olympics
Couples Dance During an Inter-Dormitory Dance
On Wednesday, the day of the opening of the Cottage, five students arrived -- under great difficulties in the midst of carpenters, painters, plumbers, and gas-fitters -- five cots were made ready for them, and it being impossible to give them their dinner at the Cottage, we sent them to Mr. Ford's nearby.
-Seventy-Five Years in business, 1968
Students Unwrap Christmas Presents
Student Swings a Bat During a Softball Game
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This page references:
- Student's family helps move into a dormitory room
- Men serenade Guilford House
- Students participate in the Southside Olympics
- Couples dance during an Inter-Dormitory dance
- Students unwrap Christmas presents
- Student swings a bat during a softball game
- Student unpacks his belongings after move in
- Students move into their dormitory
- Student moves into his dormitory room