get help 1
1 2023-12-17T16:41:07+00:00 Kristine Kelly 704347a0fb0f4b5c42bc63d040b84f065ec3a67c 190 1 plain 2023-12-17T16:41:07+00:00 Kristine Kelly 704347a0fb0f4b5c42bc63d040b84f065ec3a67cThis page is referenced by:
Importance of Seeking Help
In this scene, the character is having a conversation with their friend who has offered support. Words, phrases, and pieces of conversation are flying everywhere across the screen which conveys just how jumbled and chaotic a stressed out teenager's thoughts may be. The text of responses that claim the character is “fine” are much larger and float around slower, making these responses significantly easier for the player to click, conveying how it is easier for teenagers (and other people of course) to simply not ask for help and keep their struggles and stress internal. In contrast, the beneficial options such as asking for help or letting the friend know that not everything is all right are tiny and zooming around the screen in a very-difficult to click manner, which is representative of how hard it can be for depressed teenagers to seek help. For example, as Danielle Broxon states in I’M ALWAYS GOING TO FEEL THIS WAY”: OVERGENERAL MEMORY AND HOPELESSNESS IN DEPRESSED EMERGING ADULTS, "While a significant amount of work has focused on the treatment of depression in emerging adults (Cuijpers et al., 2016; Hogg & Deffenbacher, 1988; Richards & Timulak, 2013), they remain a challenging population to fully address in practice due to their reluctance to seek treatment" (page 9). This quote exemplifies how difficult it can be for adolescents to ask for help, which conveys the crucial importance in learning to do as demonstrated in Get Help. -
Overstressing in Get Help
In this scene, the player begins with their screen completely enshrouded with darkness, which creates a setting of confusion (personally, I panicked a little as I thought I had downloaded a virus). Upon clicking the space bar, the character’s room is slightly able to be seen through a tiny hole in the darkness which is portraying the character waking up. The player must then furiously mash their space bar in order to slowly open their character’s eyes. However, whenever the player slows down or stops completely, the eyes immediately begin to close again, which is representative of how difficult it can be for some people struggling with depression to wake up and find motivation. For example, as Danielle Broxon states in I’M ALWAYS GOING TO FEEL THIS WAY”: OVERGENERAL MEMORY AND HOPELESSNESS IN DEPRESSED EMERGING ADULTS, there is a strong possibility for emerging adults to experience discomfort and distress (Perry, 1999) as they negotiate the process of quite literally determining who they are and who they want to be" (page 7). Broxon is explaining that it is frequently young adults that are overwhelmed by stress and discomfort as a result of that stress. Thus, it is very important for young adults to be aware that they are a prime demographic of stress and possible coping methods to preserve their mental wellbeing.