This path was created by Manish Tyagi. The last update was by R David Beales.
Collection of Freedman Fellowship Digital Scholarship Projects
Freedman Faculty Fellowships
The Freedman Fellows Program supports and funds full-time, board-appointed, tenured or tenure-track faculty, and clinical research faculty, at the rank of Assistant Professor with planning and developing digital scholarship projects and instruction. Freedman Fellows partner with the Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship Team to advance their project. The team advises recipients on project design, technological needs, and adjacent issues, such as copyright, privacy, and data ethics. The funding model is flexible, providing a pool of funds that can be used to support projects of varying size.
Freedman Student Fellowships
The Walter Freedman and Karen Harrison Freedman Student Fellowships gives undergraduate and graduate students funding to complete targeted digital projects under the guidance of Kelvin Smith Library's Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship Team. The Student Fellowships are offered as a parallel to the very successful Freedman Fellows program for faculty. Where the faculty programs enables the Kelvin Smith Library to provide research grants to faculty whose work employs digital scholarship, the
Freedman Student Fellowship program provides undergraduate and graduate students the ability to partake in an internship or grant track.