This page was created by Manish Tyagi. 

Freedman Fellowship 2023

Visualizing Textual Differences in H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man

Department - Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Participant - Leah Davydov
Mentions -

This project will undertake the first steps in creating an online digital edition of H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man that will allow readers to compare textual differences between editions. Its goal will be to take both the 1897 Pearson's Weekly serialization of the novel (available in digitized form through the British Newspaper Archive project) and the 1897 Arthur C. Pearson British first edition of the text (a copy of which is available at the University of Akron) and to generate clean source texts from them, which will then be marked up via TEI to meet, at minimum, the standards outlined under Encoding Level 2 in the Text Encoding Initiative’s Best Practices for TEI in Libraries (

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