Controversies in Philanthropy: FSSO 119-100 Fall 2021

Gender & Sexuality

Map: Clinics vs. average age of pregnancy or politics
Gender violence

Nonprofits within the United States and even internationally are continuing the fight to combat social injustices surrounding gender and sexuality through educating and encouraging individuals to join the fight for social change. Through the lessons of the discrimination that millions of us all face daily due to our gender, race, ethnicity and sexuality, we can have a great impact on the future of this country and the relationship among its constituents.

Abortion- One of the most talked about and debated topic present in the United States is abortion. Decades later following the Roe v. Wade decision of the Supreme Court that gave the right to abortion, opponents and supporters of abortion rights are still battling over the issue. Many states have issued or introduced new restrictions on abortion in 2021, trying to get the Supreme Court to overturn its previous decision. Abortion rights continue to causes disagreements in the nonprofit sector among the pro-choice and pro-life sides as each sector is trying to persuade or influence governmental decisions through lobbying 

A nonprofit that I trying to combat disputes surrounding abortion is NARAL
NARAL Pro-Choice America- NARAL is a nonprofit pro-choice organization with 2.5 million members that fights for reproductive freedom over the body. This is done by providing access to abortion care, birth control, paid parental leave and protection from discriminations involving pregnancy. NARAL emphasizes the importance of the freedom over the body through the “education [of ] citizens, lawmakers, and other influencers about the dangerous effects of anti-choice policies and the threat of anti-choice discrimination.” Overall, NARAL along with 77% of American believe in the legal right to abortion and are trying combat controversies surrounding abortion  

The Susan B. Anthony List is a nonprofit involved in pro-life
SBA List-The SBA List was founded in 1992 and it is involved in the pro-live movement and named after suffragist, Susan B. Anthony who was fiercely against abortion. The organization has spread all over the country and has over 900,000 U.S. citizens protesting to save lives and to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating laws that support pro-life 

LGBTQ+- For centuries the LGBTQ community has been and continues to face discrimination in their personal lives, in the work place, in public areas and much more. Another detrimental effect that has to do with the discrimination they face is access to healthcare and this level of prejudice feeds into harmful consequences concerning mental, financial and physical well-being.  With recent events and the COVID-19 pandemic, anxiety among the community continues to rise as queer Americans are already exposed to higher levels of stress and poor mental health as an outcome of insufficient support and treatment from society. 

A nonprofit fighting for the rights among the LGBTQ community is Stonewall
Stonewall Foundation- The Stonewall foundation is a public foundation whose main goal is to strengthen the LGBTQ movement through investments in organizations, projects and leaders. Stonewall funds over 200 nonprofits yearly and is involved in over 30 issue areas. The foundation believes philanthropy is powerful and utilizing this power to the commitment of liftin gup communities including people of color and transgender, gender non-conforming and non-binary individuals. By focusing on working with other organizations, Stonewall can bring equality among the LGBTQ communities at work, home and other places

A nonprofit involving anti-LGBTQ is 

Education & Employment- Race, class and gender play a role in the problems revolving around education and opportunity due to the vast amount of discrimination which has been severely overlooked.
(In a world where education is regularly invoked to legitimate inequality, it can appear nonsensical even to raise concern about education-based discrimination as a matter of social injustice. We need, however, to challenge those who have taught us not to see what has essentially become an elephant in our living room. Otherwise, we will find ourselves unable ever to use our public systems of education for universal emancipation and empowerment.)

The Education Trust - The Education Trust is a nonprofit aiming to rid the gaps of opportunity that effects students of color and those who are in low-income families. The main goal of the Education Trust is to increase education equity among diverse communities and aiding in providing access to education from preschool to college which also increasing access to said education 

Gender-based violence 
(The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled a health crisis, an economic crisis, and a caregiving crisis that have magnified the challenges that women and girls, especially women and girls of color, have long faced.  It has also exacerbated a “shadow pandemic” of gender-based violence in the United States and around the world.  These overlapping crises have underscored that, for far too long, the status quo has left too many behind.)

Coalition: (To end gender-based violence and promote equitable relationships through collective action for social change. We recognize that gender-based violence is rooted in oppression, and that poverty, inaccessibility, and lack of resources are major barriers to the self-determination of survivors. We work to change institutions that support the abuse of power between individuals and groups of people, and to undo interpersonal and institutionalized oppression. We work for social justice and the fair and equitable distribution of resources.)

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