Controversies in Philanthropy: FSSO 119-100 Fall 2021



Will the Anti-Racist Movement Help Reduce Inequities Between Black and White Americans?

Will the Anti-Racist Movement Help Reduce Inequities? Many supporters of this statement claim that acknowledging and addressing the role systemic racism, anti-Black bias, and white privilege have played and continued to play in the U.S. is essential to reducing racial injustice. Supporters believe that the more awareness present, the more change will be made. Opponents would argue that anti-racist movements would only worsen our society and prolong racial discrimination. They believe that denunciations of racism of systemic racism won't be effective to reduce disparities between Black and White Americans. "Color-blindness, not race-consciousness, is the way forward" sums up their main argument. 

A Company's Standpoint

Many companies are concerned about alienating certain groups of customers by associating their brands with "controversial" positions on issues that deem vulnerable and sensitive to society. In recent years, there was an increase in pressure for employees, customers, and investors in regards to where they stand and if their values align to the environment they are working in. There are some who may not agree with the decisions and viewpoints of certain businesses, but companies argue that standing up and holding true to your opinion is vital for the growth of a business. They believe that employees and customers would ultimately strengthen their relationships with one another. The impact of George Floyd's death was a turning point for companies as they push to make social injustice known to the world. 

Arguers would say that we cannot be certain that events like George Floyd's death will not be the last time that companies would take a stance due to the amount of pressure they face to respond. What is crucial is that these companies are researching and are knowledgeable about these events. Many times high leaders in the U.S. say that the killing of George Floyd was wrong yet they stand against the existence of systemic racism which indeed leads to questioning the validity of their words. 

Social Injustice Nonprofits

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): With over 2 million activists nationwide, NAACP is the largest civil rights organization with over 2,200 units span across the country. They focus on discrimination, policing, prosecutions, and incarceration practices and how they affect the Black community. They believe our criminal justice system is biased and rooted in "anti-Blackness" and racial disparity. They prompt goals to form a diverse and fair federal judiciary, eliminate racial bias, and end mass incarceration. They are currently taking action by providing policy recommendations to the Biden Administration focusing on the discrimination in policing, courts, and incarceration. 

The Black Youth Project(BYP): BYP explores the effects of culture on the decisions young people make in terms of health, sex, and politics. It heavily focuses on the attitudes, resources, and culture of Black millennials. They execute this by conducting research, share knowledge, and provide social activism training to young people. They also publish pitches and writing articles related to social justice as well as LGBTQIA+ issues, and feminism as well as accepting donations. 

Color Of Change: is an online racial justice organization whose goal is to mobilize its members to knock down walls that hold Black people back. Color Of Change was founded after Hurricane Katrina. It's organizers discovered that there weren’t enough resources dedicated to protecting and assisting Black people who experienced devastating losses. Since then, they’ve started addressing police brutality against the Black community by leading campaigns to deter elected officials from supporting, investing in, and protecting an unaccountable police force. They’re actively working on developing people-powered movements that will make a difference.Color of Change offers a variety of ways to get involved, from donating money to joining its campaigns to end racist policies. 

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