
Page 2 of Driving Alone at Night

This is an image of the specific YouTube playlist that the author provides the player at the beginning of the game to show them what the character is listening to and maybe to encourage this player to listen while carrying on. This music, in particular, is very deep and soulful, which allows listeners to immerse themselves and allows for deep thinking. In Solitude: An Exploration of Benefits of Being Alone, Long writes "Storr suggested that, by extracting us from our customary social and physical contexts (or at least altering our experience of them), solitude facilitates self-examination, reconceptualization of the self, and coming to terms with change". In Driving Alone at Night, the character really embodies this idea and is able to come to terms with her upcoming changing environment (graduating college), or at least is in a better headspace to deal with it. Sometimes leaving behind the chaos can be good, especially when listening to mind-stimulating music. This music, it seems, really allows her to get lost in her thoughts, and the reader can feel this too, by listening to the same music provided. Ultimately, listening to music in isolation is important to destress and understand oneself. 

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