
Page 1 of Social Distancing

This image depicts a character in action, shopping for fruit among many others and carefully trying to avoid bumping into them. With a goal to get to the fruit in the fastest amount of time without bumping into anybody while also not being too far away from people, this game gives people a reason to keep playing so they can get on the leaderboard. As Janet Murray details in her chapter on Immersion in Hamlet on the Holodeck, "Working on the computer can give us uninhibited access to emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that are closed to us in real life" (2). Being immersed in games like this sometimes allows people to really process what the game is trying to say in addition to just being a fun challenge. Why make the character die when they get too far away from the rest? People then may realize that it emphasizes the human need for companionship or at least some social interactions to function properly. Being completely isolated can be just as bad as being near a bunch of people and getting sick. Therefore, in life, it is important for people to embrace emotions and critical thinking that they feel when playing these types of games and ultimately stay interactive with others. 

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