Discovery and Exploration

Please Dont Touch Me (2/2)

The first photo demonstrates the blank slate you begin on when you start the game. At this point, no damage has been done to the character and there are no signs of distress.

The second photo illustrates the steady increase of annoyance and stress being induced upon the character. After only 5 comments made, you can see the text forming in the back as well which is a second transcription of what is being said. No matter how many times you swipe, it sticks at the back of the character's "head" or "mind".

The last photo is most interesting. After swiping on the character many times they get to a point where they can no longer take the comments. They start to stretch and fling themselves across the screen. They are no longer in control of themself and the comments are hindering their true identity. This also explains their change in form and why they don't look like how they originally did in the beginning.

Overall, this game simplifies the impact bullying has on identity. With extended research from KSL I can introduce a source written by Rose, Chad A.; Kim, Ann Y.; Hopkins, Stephanie; McCree, Nikita; Romero, Monica. They specified their research on identity development in adolescents along with identities that individuals have and their development in varying settings and contexts. Rose et al. claimed, "Additionally, the topography of behaviors drives role identification," (Rose, Chad) Based on the behavior of this stick figure in the game Please Dont Touch Me!, I would have to agree. As you swipe more and more, you get an immediate reaction and more and more aggressive responses. Just like in reality, the impact of bullying can lead to detrimental results such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. 

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