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Empathy in Seedship
12023-12-09T12:04:35+00:00Dhruv Raman2d74e35ac516feee4873b00e4866fc31cf69eb0c1923By Dhruvplain2023-12-09T20:24:11+00:00Dhruv Raman2d74e35ac516feee4873b00e4866fc31cf69eb0cEmpathy is also an important tool that Ayliff uses in Seedship, albeit in a nontraditional way. As Bonnie Ruberg states, “Empathy can be broadly defined as the ability to understand and appreciate another person’s feelings or experience.” (Ruberg 56) At the beginning of the game, it is explained that the AI has been programmed to “feel” human emotions, so that it does not make decisions lightly. Whenever the player makes a decision, the game details how the AI “felt” when making that decision. By doing this, the game attempts to reinforce the idea that you are the AI, and that you are responsible for making decisions aligned with your morals.