AIQS Class Workbook: spring 2024

Group 3 Step Quote Integration Practice

3. “The influence of this work on Gone Home can be seen in the similar fragmentation of stories into disparate parts that must be pieced together, making similar demands on the reader/player to construct identities and narratives out of competing (and even conflicting) perspectives.” (131).

Reed et al themselves states, “The influence of [Chris Ware's Building Stories] on Gone Home can be seen in the similar fragmentation of stories into disparate parts that must be pieced together, making similar demands on the reader/player to construct identities and narratives out of competing (and even conflicting) perspectives.” (131).  Here, the authors show the similarities between Building Stories and Gone Home in which they both require the player to collect pieces of information to reveal the whole story. By having many interactive options, the player is enticed to slow down and absorb the lore making Gone Home a more effective walking simulator.

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