The Human Footprint on the Environment

Eric's Exhibit

Hello! My name is Eric, and I am a mechanical/aerospace engineering student at CWRU. I have always been interested in the environment, especially the ocean, and I have been following developments in pollution and climate change over the last few years. Unfortunately, it would mostly seem that things are getting worse rather than better. 

In this gallery, you will find two games exploring various aspects of human involvement in the environment. The first game, "The Climate Game -- Can You Reach Net Zero?" by the Financial Times, is about not just the impacts of long-run climate change, but also the difficult process of preventing/mitigating it. You play as a political authority trying to make tradeoffs to improve the climate situation all the way into 2050. The second game, "Urban Climate Architect" by Hamburg University, is a game where players act as urban city designers and choose what the city should consist of (ex: apartments, forests, factories, etc) to create a setting that is both environmentally and economically sustainable. 

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