Scalar Workbook AIQS 120

Passage #2

2. However, bibliotherapy can also be conducted with creative texts, giving readers the chance to analyze and accept their emotions and thoughts with relation to a fictional character. The bibliotherapy process involves readers progressing through stages of recognition, examination and insight into issues and feelings, and acceptance and problem solving (Nair, et al)

Bibliotherapy helps people process their emotions by relating to a fictional character (Nair, et al)  :)

Ideas about how this is actually *'deep'*:
- can analyze their emotions through a different lens
When Hayley was struggling with her self esteem she turned to Frankie who gave her some advice on how to deal with it i.e looking at herself naked in the mirror. Although it did not work immediately, Frankie offered Hayley a different way to deal with her issue.
The user playing "Voices" may relate to Hayley's struggles and find inspiration in how she handles them by talking to a friend, thus encouraging them to ask for help too. 
- bibliotherapy: the act of using digital works (or any work in general) as a form of cathartic material.
- lobsters
- relating to the fictional characters 

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