Occupy Archive Digital Exhibits: Spring 2020 CWRU

Oakland Occupy Patriarchy by Michele Lew

After the failure of civil disobedience, some branches of the Occupy movement turned to more violent methods. One such instance occurred in Oakland, California in response to increasing police brutality. Protestors, faced with unprovoked violence, sought to retaliate, promoting the use of pepper spray and stun guns. In the second page of this pamphlet, organizers of Oakland's Occupy movement attempts to educate individuals on how to properly defend themselves. Without context, the violence the pamphlet promotes seems unwarranted and unnecessary. However, the first page details why violence is needed. Referencing the cycle of justice, the pamphlet mentions the issue with the criminal justice system. The people of Oakland no longer believed the system existed to protect them. As such, they turned to alternate means to defend themselves.

Continue to defend yourself

With this statement, ending the instructions for both the pepper spray and the stun gun, the pamphlet emphasizes the use of force as a defensive measure. Additionally, throughout the instructions, the author refers to offenders as "attackers" and "bigots." In doing so, the pamphlet emphasizes the fact that the other party is the initiator. The violent actions of the Occupy Oakland group is a response to the violent actions of the police. References to fear and unease also reinforce that they are not the initial violent party. However, the tutorial embodies the turn from nonviolent practices. In the final sentence of the instructions, the pamphlet suggests that individuals "use the opportunity to attack [the bigot]." In doing so, the Oakland Occupy movement turns away from attempts of civil disobedience. No longer content with peacefully protesting, they turn to more violent means to deliver their message.

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The medley of available activities promoted on the pamphlet also highlights the diverse nature of the Occupy movement. Rather than restricting the movement to a specific action or a single display of discontent, the Occupy Movement voiced their discontent in multiple ways. This speaks to the diverse nature of the Occupy movement, as well as the movement's "leaderless" qualities. While some unofficial leadership did develop to help organize and run protests, no one individual symbolizes the Occupy movement. Similarly, the speakers at the event are never named. Instead, the flyer refers to them collectively as "guest speakers," who will speak out against the cycle of emphasis. Weight is given to the problem as opposed to the experts. Still, as the movement opposed to police brutality branches away from the Occupy movement, specific cases and individuals rise to prominence. As mentioned earlier, the shooting of Oscar Grant had profound effect on the community of Oakland. While the leaderless quality of the Occupy movement helped facilitate the growth, spread, and popularity of the movement, it also hampered the longevity of the movement. As the years passed, branches of the Occupy movement splintered into various other forms.

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