Occupy Archive Digital Exhibits: Spring 2020 CWRU

Black Women Matter by Kyle Jones

Occupy is held as the tipping point for various contemporary social movements--in this instance I am writing about the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Images and media coverage of police shooting of Black people, often young and unarmed, alongside a hashtag and social undercurrent that asked the question 'why are Black Lives made not to matter?'. Primarily derived from the discourse of young people, the issue of responsiveness came up in the literature frequently. In Howie and Campbell's Crisis and Terror in the Age of Anxiety, a respondent describes their idea of how social justice efforts exist in our daily lives:
Responsiveness for participants was not just about going to a protest on one day, or caring about racial equality or engaging with social justice causes sporadically. The challenge of responsiveness ... was to give shape to a political self or identity ... through the discourses of the movements ... that they could imagine sustaining and practicing in the future.
In so doing, social media practices and media consumption play a critical role in the outcomes and potential change of various social movements. The key idea is seeing how Occupy and Black Lives Matter share similar movement tactics, for instance: 

This "do-it yourself" form of activism involves circumventing mainstream political channels, which the movement [Occupy in this instance] believes are closed to them, and realizing their claims through direct action. (Gautney 2013)

Therefore, these tactics often took on forms outside of normal political action spheres. While there was a great deal of protests and other typical actions, a significant task that social movements have is telling a story. The stories told by individuals have the power to bring people into the movement, to send a message to the world, or to explain the background behind their actions. The object on this page is a zine which shares the stories of victims of police brutality.

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