FSCC 2:30 classMain MenuPersepolisPedro and MeCreditsMary Assadf231428d3fe6a0e63c975240f1a85fa95933a663
12020-02-27T20:12:55+00:00Yu Xia9d205cb0549a11f5f4dabad5088e42f639b94d79215plain2020-03-27T20:13:32+00:00banzhongxuand7c9a9145e0d66d344179188f447d4f5f7f0f2bcThis panel looks like the combination of several panels. In this way, it has directly compared what has happened inside different times. Although the country seems to face different troubles, the impacts are still roughly the same: no matter how times flow, there are always invaders and the country has never been in peace. It has also indicated the importance of the revolution as the country was always in an awkward position.