FSCC 2:30 classMain MenuPedro and MeCreditsMary Assadf231428d3fe6a0e63c975240f1a85fa95933a663
12020-06-15T17:11:05+00:00Amanda Koziurad8cad79289ca6f3a766facb6fa0fbb11898df036215image_header6112020-06-15T17:25:08+00:00Amanda Koziurad8cad79289ca6f3a766facb6fa0fbb11898df036Written by Marjane Satrapi and first published in English in 2003, Persepolis offers readers insights into one young woman's experiences growing up during the Iranian Revolution. Marjane's personal memories, set against a backdrop of social and cultural changes, come to life for readers through black-and-white drawings and extensive narrative and dialogue. In FSCC 100, we explored the visual communication strategies that Satrapi used to share her story with readers. Each student selected pages he or she felt were significant and worthy of analysis. Those pages are presented here in the same order in which they appear in Persepolis. Students chose specific visual elements on each page to analyze. We invite you to explore these annotations by moving the cursor around each page until you see a green box appear around a particular element. Adjacent to the box, you'll see student-produced analysis. There are multiple annotations per page. We hope these annotations will provide insights into how a graphic memoir draws upon the power of words and images to convey meaningful ideas to readers.
12020-02-27T19:30:24+00:00Hoang Nhat Do9d75e1cf192f1aaa33757e70ebcc4ca4280e5f86Pedro and me page 157-1581Hoangplain2020-02-27T19:30:24+00:00From Pedro and Me by Judd Winickbanzhongxuand7c9a9145e0d66d344179188f447d4f5f7f0f2bc