FSCC 2:30 classMain MenuPersepolisPedro and MeCreditsMary Assadf231428d3fe6a0e63c975240f1a85fa95933a663
12020-02-29T04:51:21+00:00Yu Xia9d205cb0549a11f5f4dabad5088e42f639b94d79214plain2020-03-27T22:06:42+00:00banzhongxuand7c9a9145e0d66d344179188f447d4f5f7f0f2bcThis panel has shown the picture of Pedro taken away by the angels. like all other panels, this panel is also drawn by the author's imagination. The huge wings of the angels have provided a direct comparison between Pedro and the angels: he seems so tiny and people can barely see him compared to the angels around. We can also feel that we are so helpless compared to god and Pedro can not stay with us no matter how hard we try. Maybe as a child, his fate has already being decided and people would have to lose him.
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12020-02-26T17:53:49+00:00Amanda Koziurad8cad79289ca6f3a766facb6fa0fbb11898df036YuXia_P_M_212020-02-26T17:53:49+00:00Pedro and Mebanzhongxuand7c9a9145e0d66d344179188f447d4f5f7f0f2bc