FSCC 2:30 class


This panel shown people's fear of losing Pedro. The page of the priest having a chain on his ankle has shown people’s fear toward losing him and their desire of chaining him around them (as he was born to be great). This panel has shown that Pedro was being cherished not only by his parents but also the people around him. But this has also provided an sllusion about the possible future of Pedro dying young. In this page, we didn't see Pedro and other people's facial expression. As in this page, the facial expression was not as important as the scene of people chaining him: the author has intentionally deleted Pedro and people's facial expression in order to make the scene of people chaining Pedro to stand out. Aside from that, the author didn't saw the ritual itself. The author probably do not know the details of this scene and how people's facial expression should be, so he didn't draw this image of people's face intentionally as a way to avoid potential errors. 

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