FSCC 2:30 classMain MenuPersepolisPedro and MeCreditsMary Assadf231428d3fe6a0e63c975240f1a85fa95933a663
12020-02-27T20:23:24+00:00Yu Xia9d205cb0549a11f5f4dabad5088e42f639b94d79215plain2020-03-27T20:09:31+00:00banzhongxuand7c9a9145e0d66d344179188f447d4f5f7f0f2bcAside from the the first panel, Marjane depicted herself and her friends to be the great leaders of revolution although in reality they were not dressed up like the revolutionary leaders inside their gardens or having protests with guns. The figures are drawn from the author's imaginary instead of the reality. It has visually provided a contrast between kids and revolutionary leaders. Through this, she has also made people realize the simplicity of the children by being too idealized about the world, as the differences in clothing and equipment were not the only differences between them and the revolutionary leaders.