Discovery and Exploration

Upgrade Soul (4/4)

This image that I drew is a simplification of what occurred during these experiments in the narrative of Upgrade Soul. At first, they view themself as this blob figure that doesn't have a close appearance to that of a human. They don't even have the initial thought that they are still the same person as I drew. Their consciousness remains the same so I drew a bubble with a picture of a character to demonstrate that. Then they start to panic as that would be their first reaction. Going into the experiment thinking they would come out a newer and better version of themself (more rejuvenated) they end up coming out as a transfigured form. 
The words surrounding the character such as "BLOB" and "Nightmare" are specific words I chose to express the negative impact this experiment has done to them. They all have a negative connotation because they all relate back to the thoughts of the character.
Overall, with the help of this image, it projects the genres of psychological horror and identity as promised in the description of the Electronic Literature Collection.

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