Discovery and Exploration

Upgrade Soul (1/2)

Reed et al's analysis of "Gone Home? Walking Simulators and the Importance of Slow Gaming," expresses that, "As in adventure games, players of walking simulators strive to recreate the “ideal walkthrough,' the preexisting story that must be uncovered step by step through the player’s actions," (Page 126), this can also apply to Upgrade Soul. There is no ideal walkthrough in many games, meaning, that most games give players the option to go above and beyond what is expected of them in the game, Games such as those guarantee plenty of agency which in turn has a greater impact on the player.
Having Upgrade Soul be more of a narrative slightly impacts the delivery of the theme because it doesn't provide the sense of agency, but, regardless it still addresses identity and the self-discovery of the characters Hank and Molly Nonnar.

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