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12023-12-19T19:26:21+00:00Pauline Abugria09ddf7645dc4c26edc62bb99059fa6a3b40a1371924Specific comments made toward the character and how they respondedplain2023-12-19T19:27:41+00:00Pauline Abugria09ddf7645dc4c26edc62bb99059fa6a3b40a137
As Said in Bonnie Ruberg's analysis of empathy, "Often, this language of feeling is translated into embodied metaphors, such as the image of walking in someone else’s shoes or seeing through someone else’s eyes," (Page 5) can be applied to this game because of its delivery of showing the emotions of character on screen. Yes, you feel bad for the character as they must endure all of the negative comments being thrown at them with no help or support. You are not necessarily put into their shoes to experience the harassment ourselves, we only see it from a third-person (outsider) point of view. So this is why Ruberg's analysis on Empathy is very intriguing as well as accurate because although many of these games try to display similar feelings of empathy for the readers/players, there is a border that cannot be crossed, and no matter how much content you put, there may be viewers that don't feel that same attachment you expect them too. The form of self-discovery can go one of two ways: self-discovery within the player and their reaction and emotions toward this character that is being harassed, and self-discovery of the character and their emotions that are being expressed. how you react to the comments made to/by the character will reveal the type of person that you are and how you may potentially react to a similar situation in real life. If you saw this this game and associated yourself with the game by being sad and upset for the character, and exemplify those same feelings in real life, then that goes to show the impact of empathy, but that will not apply to everyone that plays, and that is the point Ruberg tried to get across.