AIQS Class Workbook: spring 2024

Practice Summarizing and Paraphrasing - Group 3

But readers cannot easily return to the overview in order to get a sense of where they are or how much is left to read. In trying to create texts that do not "privilege" any one order of reading or interpretive framework, the postmodernists are privileging confusion itself. The indeterminate structure of these hypertexts frustrates our desire for narrational agency, for using the act of navigation to unfold a story that flows from our own meaningful choices.
(Murray, page 132)

Janet Murray argues that, while trying not to bias readers with the author's viewpoint, interactive texts end up losing the interest of the reader and becoming hard for them to understand. The formatting of these hypertexts makes it difficult for readers to judge their progress in the story and, as a result, readers confuse their own choices and lose track of the previous decisions they have made, taking away from the efficacy of those choices and leading to frustration (132).

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