AIQS Class Workbook: spring 2024

Group 4 Picture Rhetorical Analysis

      In Picture 5 and Picture 6, the intended audience is any American that wants to learn more about what happened to Native Americans. The purpose of picture 6 is to show that the Native's land was taken without any reparations other than some farming equipment. The map in picture 5 shows the area where their land was taken and how much of it was actually taken. The context of these pictures is a mid to late 1800s Native who had his land taken, so he travels west towards California. Both pictures come from early on in the game. The map is when the main character is first starting out in Minnesota, and the hunter picture is taken shortly after the picture of the map. The pictures are stylized in a way that makes them look more traditional and like the player is looking through a lens back in that time. 

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