This page was created by Zoe Orcutt. 

Case School: The Evolving History

Department of Mathematics

Timeline Events List:
1881Dr. John Stockwell, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, was considered the first unofficial department head of a combined Department of Mathematics and Astronomy
1881First students were enrolled in Physics and classes held at the Case Homestead
1884Math courses offered at the time were: Algebra, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, and Calculus
1885The Kerr Professorship in Mathematics was established by Laura Kerr Axtell in honor of her brother Levi Kerr (cousin of Daniel Kerr and Catherine Case, sister of Leonard, Sr.)
1886Dr. John Stockwell was named first Kerr Professor of Mathematics, Harry Reid joins faculty as Instructor in Mathematics
1887Harry Reid was named second Kerr Professor of Mathematics
1890Charles S. Howe was the first officially named department head, and third Kerr Professor of Mathematics
1903Charles S. Howe became president of the university while maintaining his position as department head
1908Dr. Theodore M. Focke was named department head and fourth Kerr Professor of Mathematics
1930Department of Mathematics and Astronomy separated into two departments
1931Courses were expanded to include Vector Analysis, Modern Geometry, Advanced Calculus , Theory of Equations, Graphic Calculus and Monography, Higher and Linear Algebra, Theory of Numbers and Invariants, Differential Geometry, Theory of Functions of Complex Variables, Infinite Sines and Products, and Calculus of Variations
1933A Mathematics club was created by students
1935The Mathematical Physics group began to meet which was largely made up of faculty members and graduate students
1938First Master of Science granted in Mathematics
1944Professor Charles F. Thomas became acting department head
1945A symposium was held on campus called "Mathematical Analyzers and their Applications in Industry"
1945Dr. Sidney W. McCuskey was named department head and fifth Kerr Professor of Mathematics
1946The Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Mathematics were approved by the faculty and curriculum was established
1947Mathematical laboratory development was initiated under professor O.E. Brown housing a harmonic analyzer, synthesizer, and computing machine
1949First graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics were Ernest B. Leach and Frank P. Palermo
1951The first two Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics were awarded
1953IBM Computing Equipment installed a Statistical and Computational laboratory, initiating statistical studies for Case personnel and outside industries that used the lab.
1955A Mathematics fellowship program was created for high school teachers
1956An honors section in freshman math was formed
1957A Master of Science degree in Computation was established by the staff of the Computing Center
1957Case Mathematics Department helped to create the Midwestern University Computer Conference
1960Robert A. Clark became the acting department head

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