AIQS Class Workbook Fall 2024 (1:00)

Summarizing Group 3 Anxiety

3. These violence-hub stories do not have a single solution like the adventure maze or a refusal of resolution like the postmodern stories; instead, they combine a clear sense of story structure with a multiplicity of meaningful plots. The navigation of the labyrinth is like pacing the floor; a physical manifestation of the effort to come to terms with the trauma, it represents the mind's repeated efforts to keep returning to a shocking event in an effort to absorb it and, finally, get past it. (Murray, page 136)

1- defining terms 
2- breaking down sentences

Murray states that violence-hub stories revolve around a mystery in which the reader goes through a series of differing perspectives that affects what solution the player chooses. In "Depression Quest," players experience different aspects of common struggles with depression from only the protagonist's perspective, rather than multiple separate perspectives.

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