Memory and Resistance

Statement of the Jury

It was a joy to receive art submissions from student artists, nonprofessional and professional artists alike. One common thread particularly important to us while choosing the artwork for this exhibition was the evidence of the spirit and passion of what moved the heart of the artists to make the work; either with a deep concern for a contemporary social justice issue or artwork honoring the memory of past advocates and their actions. We sought artwork that also has authenticity and originality, good technical skills as well as an understanding of the materials and form. We believe the artwork chosen for this show mirrors the values, mission and vision of IRTF. It is our hope this show will touch the hearts of all who view the artwork and will inspire us to continue to work in solidarity for systemic change. For more information please visit:

Jurors: Joann Piotrkowski, Diane Pinchot, OSU, and Elizabeth Meinke


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