Freedman Center Funded ProjectsMain MenuFreedman Faculty FellowsFreedman Student FellowsOur Funder: Walter G. FreedmanCharlie Harper296dda6727d6bc9ef05d61a7213be572a58f52bdFreedman Center for Digital Scholarship
Told Around Shoes
12021-01-25T18:18:11+00:00Charlie Harper296dda6727d6bc9ef05d61a7213be572a58f52bd1057Renee Sentilles (Department of History)plain2021-05-18T11:44:37+00:00Charlie Harper296dda6727d6bc9ef05d61a7213be572a58f52bd
Renee Sentilles (Department of History)
Freedman Faculty Fellow 2019–2020
Renee Sentilles, History Department, is designing a digital repository for the life stories of women and girls living in the United States. It will be a study in the experiences of girls and women in 20 and 21st century American culture. The stories will be curated and catalogued for easy public accessibility and scholarship.