Freedman Center Funded ProjectsMain MenuFreedman Faculty FellowsFreedman Student FellowsOur Funder: Walter G. FreedmanCharlie Harper296dda6727d6bc9ef05d61a7213be572a58f52bdFreedman Center for Digital Scholarship
Varsha Krishnan is a second-year undergraduate student from Potomac, Maryland. She is pursuing a major in Nutrition and a potential minor in data science. After undergraduate studies, she plans to attend medical school, or become a registered dietician. On campus, she is involved with Women in Science and Engineering Roundtable (WISER), the Know Your Neighbors Campaign, and Students Meeting About Risk and Responsibility Training (SMARRT). She is also a member of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority, which promotes healthy relationships and domestic violence awareness. Varsha is excited to have received the Freedman Fellows Student Intern position for 2020-2021, and looks forward to advancing the Silent Witness Project’s initiative of raising awareness and support in the community for domestic violence survivors.