Freedman Center Funded ProjectsMain MenuFreedman Faculty FellowsFreedman Student FellowsOur Funder: Walter G. FreedmanCharlie Harper296dda6727d6bc9ef05d61a7213be572a58f52bdFreedman Center for Digital Scholarship
Davydov is working to create assets for a digital edition of H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man that will allow users to compare various editions of the novel as it appeared in 1897, focusing specifically on the differences between the original weekly newspaper serialization of the text and the book as it first appeared in print. She hopes not only to generate further interest in a novel that has received comparatively little critical treatment in relation to Wells' other scientific romances but also to draw attention to the ways in which various versions of the text interact with their original physical format, containing in-jokes and allusions that would be specific to readers' experiences with the story as either a newspaper serial or as a complete bound volume.