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Public Housing and Cleveland’s Health: Impacts Over Half a Decade Later
12022-02-15T18:46:15+00:00Amanda Koziurad8cad79289ca6f3a766facb6fa0fbb11898df0361051Wen Min Chen (M.D. Student)plain2022-02-15T18:46:15+00:00Amanda Koziurad8cad79289ca6f3a766facb6fa0fbb11898df036
Wen Min Chen (M.D. Student)
Freedman Student Fellow 2017–2018
Wen Min is a third-year medical student who will complete her M.D. in 2019. Her project, “Public Housing and Cleveland’s Health: Impacts Over Half a Decade Later,” explores current health trends and their correlation with public housing. One major aspect of her project is to study past construction materials and modern incidents of lead-poisoning. Despite a moratorium on lead paint for almost 40 years, Wen Min has pointed out that 14.2% of children in Cleveland still test positive for lead poisoning.