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Last Sunday morning I took some more pictures of my quarters and environs. What "turned out" I'm sending you .Two of them showing the harbor and skyline across I found I could be made into a partial [para, striked-through] panorama with a little [gule, striked-through] glue. This is just about one half of the pictures from my window as I look out every morning. You've already seen a part of the other magnificent half looking to the night, toward the Bridge. When I'm sending one vie w(with the roses on the window ledge) just as you are [if, striked-through] out through the glass -- directly across. Isn't it refreshing to wake up and find a brilliant white steamer cleanly "parked" so near you -- and from are sorts of spicy countries? The other picture shows a corner of my room. Writing table at night -- your gay dressing gown in -stalled as you see. Don't lose track of these photos as I want to keep them always. I think I have been remarkably successful with such a tiny kodak.
I'm dead tired tonight (do you blame me!) and so shall turn in early.
Haven't seen Sambo for about two seeks. He promised to call last Sunday and didn't. Well, well "not at all", as Charlotte used to say.
fare-thee-well, my dears!
I'm expecting to hear from youse to-morrow.