AIQS Class Workbook: spring 2024

Group 1 Rhetorical Analysis of Images

Rhetorical analysis
We study these 4 elements (among others) to make a theory about how a text works and why (can apply these elements to our own compositions)
1. audience –the who
   -People who are uninformed about the Native Americans and the eventual migration to California
-History enthusiasts who are interested with the specific history of migration of Native Americans and, possibly, their culture 

2. Purpose: the what and why

To educate 
   -The Native Americans are being forced against their will to migrate. The quote shows that the people are being forced to migrate. The quote "...whether I want to or not..." shows this. The player can learn about the hardships and tragedy of the Native Americans.

   -To learn more about their culture (language)

3.Context: the when and where (includes place time, and also medium)

- 1800's 
- US; Around Minnesota towards California 
- Interactive digital game 

4. Design Choices

Rhetorical analysis
We study these 4 elements (among others) to make a theory about how a text works and why (can apply these elements to our own compositions)
1. audience –the who
 -People who are uninformed about the Native Americans and the eventual migration to California
-History enthusiasts who are interested with the specific history of migration of Native Americans and, possibly, their culture 

2. Purpose: the what and why

- Learn more about culture (tying to the first picture)

3.Context: the when and where (includes place time, and also medium)

- 1800's 
- US; Around Minnesota towards California 
- Interactive digital game 

4. Design Choices

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