AIQS Class Workbook: spring 2024Main MenuFirst Landing PageDigital Literature Annotated Reading ListCreated by our classClass Exercises and Discussion Notesa landing pageSyllabus and other course materialsClass Twine Games
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12024-03-28T19:15:42+00:00Alexander Holden4ad32a01519bfa92c6e4cd6ff946eefb54e5a5751972plain2024-03-28T19:19:34+00:00Alexander Holden4ad32a01519bfa92c6e4cd6ff946eefb54e5a575This text is faded which makes it less noticeable to the player. This demonstrates how it is a more unique thought because not many people experience the same experience. The fadedness shows how the thought is fuzzy and unknown to people.
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12024-03-28T16:16:30+00:00Kristine Kelly704347a0fb0f4b5c42bc63d040b84f065ec3a67cMotions Image 31Screenshot from Smith, Luers, and Dean's Motionsplain2024-03-28T16:16:30+00:00Kristine Kelly704347a0fb0f4b5c42bc63d040b84f065ec3a67c