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Portrait of the Greenbriar family in the foyer
12023-10-11T15:02:13+00:00Ryan White0d2833a9698a48a980c5a0e063f5886c3ac8359d1493From: Gone home? Stock Pot Inn. December 1 2015plain2023-10-11T15:10:27+00:00Ryan White0d2833a9698a48a980c5a0e063f5886c3ac8359d
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12023-10-11T15:27:34+00:00Greenbriar Family[?] Portrait1Ryan White, Raymond Li, Nicole Curtis, Ariel Berkplain2023-10-11T15:27:34+00:00 The painting of the Greenbriar family can be found in the opening foyer right when you enter the house. Its early appearance in the game is mean to put a face to the names and establish a foundation for characterization. For the most part the foyer and surrounding areas contain items of little importance. However, the drawer next to the painting contains a photo of Lonnie indicating the closeting of her relationship to the family and, more importantly, Samantha. Similar to the painting, the photo of Lonnie puts a face to the character the player later learns about. An additional surrounding detail is the metal plaque created by Samantha, As part of a class project she carved the names of her family members into metal. She originally wrote "mom" and "dad" instead of their actual names before her teacher suggested she add their actual names. Though it could be interpreted as simply and way to give the players the names of the parents it could be a hint towards the family dynamic; the more casual seeming plaque can be used to characterize Samantha as a more laid back person.