Challenges to PhilanthropyMain MenuChallenges to PhilanthropyFSSO 119 Fall 2020Chapter 1: Challenges to Educational Nonprofit OrganizationsChallenges to Educational Nonprofit OrganizationsChapter 2: Challenges to Healthcare PhilanthropyRead about how the COVID-19 Pandemic is affecting some of the world's leading nonprofit healthcare organizationsChapter 3: Challenges to Arts Nonprofit OrganizationsPage 1 Challenges to Arts Nonprofit OrganizationsChapter 4: Challenges to Social Service OrganizationsChallenges to Social Service OrganizationsChapter 5: Challenges to Faith-Based Nonprofit OrganizationsChallenges to Faith-Based Nonprofit OrganizationsChapter 6: Challenges to Social Justice Nonprofit OrganizationsChallenges to Social Justice Nonprofit OrganizationsBarbara Burgess-Van Akendffa201f9e142dde249b32b2c708a4eebdb9f6daFSSO 119: Philanthropy in America
What you should know about #blacklivesmatter -- social justice philanthropy