This page was created by Christine Liebson. The last update was by Julia Teran.
Leaders and Members of the Equal Suffrage League
Flossa May Roper
Class of 1909
Flossa May Roper submitted a petition to the College for Women faculty to found a chapter of the College Equal Suffrage League on campus on 12/22/1908. In addition, she served as the senior class sergeant-at-arms, the Dramatics Club stage manager, and was a member of Gamma Delta Tau during her time on campus.
Bertha Adele Miller
Class of 1909
Bertha Adele Miller served as the chairman pro tem of the National Equal Woman Suffrage Association chapter in 1909. Throughout her time on campus, she was also a member of the Gavel Club, a staff member for the Reserve Weekly, Tree Day committee chair, Students Association president, and editor-in-chief for both the Annual and the Folio.
Ava McArthur Buell
Ava McArthur Buell
Class of 1912
Equal Suffrage League President, 1911/1912
Ava McArthur Buell served as the president of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1911/1912 academic year. Her other campus activities included serving as the senior class vice president, and as a member of the Gavel Club, the Glee Club, the String Club, the YWCA, and the Athletic Association.
Emily Frieda Jennie Laub
Emily Frieda Jennie Laub
Class of 1912
Equal Suffrage League Vice President, 1911/1912
Emily Frieda Jennie Laub served as the vice president of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1911/1912 academic year. In addition, she served as Dramatics Club president, and was a member of the String Club, the YWCA, and Theta Phi Omega, during her time on campus.
Ione Cornelia Avery
Class of 1914
Equal Suffrage League Secretary, 1911/1912
Ione Cornelia Avery served as the secretary of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1911/1912 academic year. Throughout her time on campus, she was also a member of the Dramatics Club and the Gavel Club, vice president of the YWCA, and associate editor for the Lux.
Tilla Pearl Thomas
Class of 1914
Equal Suffrage League Treasurer, 1911/1912
Tilla Pearl Thomas served as the treasurer of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1911/1912 academic year. Her other campus activities included serving as senior class president, and as a member of the Students Council of Students Association, the YWCA, the Dramatics Club, and Phi Beta Kappa.
Julia Harmon
Julia Harmon
Class of 1917
Equal Suffrage League President, 1915/1916
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1916/1917
Julia Harmon served as the president of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1915/1916 academic year, and as one of the directors for the 1916/1917 academic year. In addition, she was one of two delegates to attend the Woman Suffrage Party of Greater Cleveland convention on 1/30/1917, as well as co-author of The Taming of the Anti. Throughout her time on campus, she was also a member of the Students Council of Students Association, the Gavel Club, the Varia Historia board, Les Francophiles, and Phi Beta Kappa. Furthermore, she was involved with Tree Day, and she was a staff member for the Reserve Weekly, sophomore class president, and Dormitory Self-Government Association president.
Mildred Marcia Merkel
Mildred Marcia Merkel
Class of 1917
Equal Suffrage League Vice President, 1915/1916
Equal Suffrage League Vice President, 1916/1917
Mildred Marcia Merkel served as the vice president of the Equal Suffrage League for both the 1915/1916 and the 1916/1917 academic years. Her other campus activities included serving as the sophomore class sergeant-at-arms, secretary and treasurer for the Athletic Association, and as a member of the basketball team, the Varia Historia board, and the Present Day Club. She was also involved with Tree Day.
Harriet Marie Grosse
Harriet Marie Grosse
Class of 1916
Equal Suffrage League Secretary, 1915/1916
Harriet Marie Grosse served as the secretary of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1915/1916 academic year. In addition, she was a member of Les Francophiles, and a member of the basketball team, during her time on campus.
Margaret Barker
Class of 1919
Equal Suffrage League Treasurer, 1915/1916
Equal Suffrage League Secretary, 1916/1917
Equal Suffrage League Vice President, 1917/1918
Margaret Barker served as the treasurer of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1915/1916 academic year, as the secretary for the 1916/1917 academic year, and as the vice president for the 1917/1918 academic year. Throughout her time on campus, she also represented the College for Women Suffrage Club at the annual luncheon of the Woman Suffrage Party of Greater Cleveland in 1918, and she was co-author of The Taming of the Anti. Her other campus activities included serving as the Students Association president and secretary, and as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Phi Upsilon, the French Club, the Gavel Club, the Athletic Association, Les Francophiles, the Varia Historia board, and the hockey and basketball teams. In addition, she was involved with Tree Day and Stunt Night.
Elsie Adrienne McGee
Elsie Adrienne McGee
Class of 1917
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1915/1916
Elsie Adrienne McGee served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1915/1916 academic year. Her other campus activities included serving as the junior class historian, and as a member of the Gavel Club and Theta Phi Omega. She was also involved with Tree Day.
Eva Smill
Eva Smill
Class of 1917
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1915/1916
Equal Suffrage League President, 1916/1917
Eva Smill served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1915/1916 academic year, and as the president for the 1916/1917 academic year. In addition, she was one of two delegates to attend the Woman Suffrage Party of Greater Cleveland convention on 1/30/1917. During her time on campus, she was also a member of the Gavel Club, and she was involved with Tree Day.
Myra Thwing
Myra Thwing
Class of 1917
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1915/1916
Myra Thwing served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1915/1916 academic year. Throughout her time on campus, she was also a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Students Council of Students Association, the YWCA, the Gavel Club, and the Varia Historia board. She was also a staff member for the Reserve Weekly, and she was involved with Tree Day.
Helen Harriet Stevens
Helen Harriet Stevens
Class of 1919
Equal Suffrage League Treasurer, 1916/1917
Equal Suffrage League President, 1917/1918
Helen Harriet Stevens served as the treasurer of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1916/1917 academic year, and as the president for the 1917/1918 academic year. In addition, she served as a speaker at the Equal Suffrage Club meeting on 5/2/1916, as the junior class historian, and as a member of the YWCA and Sigma Omega, during her time on campus. She was also involved with Tree Day and Stunt Night.
Margaret Wallace Hamilton
Margaret Wallace Hamilton
Class of 1917
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1916/1917
Margaret Wallace Hamilton served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1916/1917 academic year, and as a speaker at the Suffrage Club meeting on 1/18/1917. Her other campus activities included serving as the senior class historian and the Students Association secretary, as well as a member of Delta Phi Upsilon, Les Francophiles, the YWCA, the Gavel Club, the Students Council of Students Association, and the Reserve Weekly staff.
Grace Troll Evans
Class of 1919
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1916/1917
Grace Troll Evans served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1916/1917 academic year, and as a speaker at the Suffrage Club meeting on 4/4/1916.
Jeannette Forrester Dall
Jeannette Forrester Dall
Class of 1920
Equal Suffrage League Secretary, 1917/1918
Jeannette Forrester Dall served as the secretary of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1917/1918 academic year, and she was a Suffrage Club Sing-out participant on 4/24/1918. In addition, she served as the sophomore class president, and she was a member of the YWCA, the Dramatics Club, and the hockey and baseball teams, during her time on campus. She was also involved with Stunt Night.
Henrietta Louise Gates
Henrietta Louise Gates
Class of 1919
Equal Suffrage League Treasurer, 1917/1918
Henrietta Louise Gates served as the treasurer of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1917/1918 academic year. Throughout her time on campus, she was also involved in the French Club, Tree Day, and Stunt Night.
Christena Marie Myers
Christena Marie Myers
Class of 1918
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1917/1918
Christena Marie Myers served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1917/1918 academic year. She was also involved with Tree Day during her time on campus.
Lela Draper
Lela Draper
Class of 1920
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1917/1918
Lela Draper served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1917/1918 academic year. Her other campus activities included serving as the vice president of the Athletic Association, as well as a member of the Gavel Club, Les Francophiles, Phi Kappa Zeta, the Sun Dial staff, and the basketball, baseball, and hockey teams. She was also involved with Tree Day and Stunt Night.
Adelaide Zeile
Adelaide Zeile
Class of 1920
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1917/1918
Suffrage Club President, 1919/1920
Adelaide Zeile served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1917/1918 academic year, and as the president of the Suffrage Club for the 1919/1920 academic year. She also participated in the Suffrage Club Sing-out on 4/24/1918, and she represented the College for Women Suffrage Club at the annual luncheon of the Woman Suffrage Party of Greater Cleveland in 1918. In addition, she was a member of the YWCA, the Dramatics Club, the Gavel Club, and Delta Phi Upsilon, during her time on campus. She was also involved with Stunt Night.
Ruth Elizabeth Hillyer
Class of 1921
Equal Suffrage League Director, 1917/1918
Ruth Elizabeth Hillyer served as one of the directors of the Equal Suffrage League for the 1917/1918 academic year. She also participated in the Suffrage Club Sing-out on 4/24/1918 during her time on campus.
Dolores Esther Jones
Dolores Esther Jones
Class of 1921
Suffrage Club Vice President, 1919/1920
Dolores Esther Jones served as the vice president of the Suffrage Club for the 1919/1920 academic year. Throughout her time on campus, she was also a member of the University Student Council, the YWCA Cabinet, the Glee Club, the Gavel Club, Phi Kappa Zeta, and the baseball team.
Emilie Guyon Rea
Emilie Guyon Rea
Class of 1922
Suffrage Club Secretary, 1919/1920
Emilie Guyon Rea served as the secretary of the Suffrage Club for the 1919/1920 academic year. In addition, she was a member of the Dramatics Club, the Annual Board, the Glee Club, the Present Day Club, the Reserve Weekly staff, the YWCA, and Phi Kappa Zeta, during her time on campus. She was also involved with Tree Day and Stunt Night.
Louise Frances Crandall
Louise Frances Crandall
Class of 1921
Suffrage Club Treasurer, 1919/1920
Louise Frances Crandall served as the treasurer of the Suffrage Club for the 1919/1920 academic year. She was also a member of the Glee Club, Epsilon Omega, and the baseball team, and she was involved with Stunt Night, during her time on campus.
Hilda Amster
Hilda Amster
Class of 1918
Hilda Amster served as a speaker at the Suffrage Club meeting on 4/4/1916. Throughout her time on campus, she was also involved with Tree Day.
Julia Carola Bell
Julia Carola Bell
Class of 1921
Julia Carola Bell represented the College for Women Suffrage Club at the annual luncheon of the Woman Suffrage Party of Greater Cleveland in 1918. She was also a Suffrage Club Sing-out participant on 4/24/1918. In addition, she was a member of the Dramatics Club, University Student Council, the Students Association, and the Gavel Club, during her time on campus. She was also involved with Tree Day and Stunt Night.
Dolores Felice Cooke
Dolores Felice Cooke
Class of 1921
Dolores Felice Cooke participated in the Suffrage Club Sing-out on 4/24/1918. Throughout her time on campus, she also served as the junior class president, and she was a member of the Dramatics Club, the Gavel Club, the French Club, the Varia Historia board, and Phi Kappa Zeta. She was also involved with Stunt Night.
Felice Margaret Crowl
Felice Margaret Crowl
Class of 1918
Felice Margaret Crowl represented the College for Women Suffrage Club at the annual luncheon of the Woman Suffrage Party of Greater Cleveland in 1918. In addition, she served as the junior class sergeant-at-arms, and the Dramatics Club vice president, during her time on campus. She was also a member of the Gavel Club, the Varia Historia board, and Theta Phi Omega.
Harriet Martha Dustin
Class of 1928
Harriet Martha Dustin served as a speaker at the Suffrage Club meeting on 5/2/1916. She attended the College for Women from 1915/1916 to 1916/1917, and completed her degree in 1928.
Beatrice Irene Ratner
Class of 1919
Beatrice Irene Ratner served as a speaker at the Suffrage Club meeting on 4/4/1916.
Sara Rhea Zwick
Class of 1919
Sara Rhea Zwick served as a speaker at the Suffrage Club meeting on 5/2/1916.
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This page references:
- Elsie Adrienne McGee
- Julia Carola Bell
- Julia Harmon
- Emilie Guyon Rea
- Lela Draper
- Emily Frieda Jennie Laub
- Louise Frances Crandall
- Eva Smill
- Margaret Wallace Hamilton
- Felice Margaret Crowl
- Mildred Marcia Merkel
- Harriet Marie Grosse
- Myra Thwing
- Adelaide Zeile
- Helen Harriet Stevens
- Ava McArthur Buell
- Henrietta Louise Gates
- Christena Marie Myers
- Hilda Amster
- Dolores Esther Jones
- Jeannette Forrester Dall
- Dolores Felice Cooke